01 March 2017

Shapeless is about providing evidence to the compiler. And the way of doing so, is using typeclasses and recursion at compile time.

As an example let’s write an alternative to Selector, a shapeless typeclass that allows to “extract” a value of some type A out of an HList if there is evidence that A exists in the HList:

("a" :: 1 :: HNil).select[Int] === 1
("a" :: 1 :: HNil).select[Double] // won't compile

In this post we’ll do something less strict. Let’s write find, which, as List.find it will return Some[A] if it has a value of type A, but None otherwise:

("a" :: 1 :: HNil).find[Int] === Some(1)
("a" :: 1 :: HNil).find[Double] === None


Let’s get the syntax out of the way:

object Find {
  implicit class Ops[L <: HList](l: L) {
      def find[A]:Option[A] = ???

If you are not familiar what this technique, I recommend this exellent post about type classes.

This gives us the above syntax, by importing Find.Ops, we can do:

import Find.Ops
(1 :: HNil).find[Int]

The typeclass itself

As mentioned above, Find behavior is:

  • Given a HList L and some type A

  • It returns Some[A] if there is a value of type A in L

  • It returns None otherwise

Let’s define a type class that expresses that operation:

trait Find[L <: HList, A]{
  def find(l:L):Option[A]

This definition of Find follows a common pattern in shapeless: Given some generic type, e.g. an HList, we get some output, in this case an A.

Let’s modify Find.Ops to have its final version:

object Find {
  implicit class Ops[L <: HList](l: L) {
      def find[A](implicit f: Find[L, A]):Option[A] = f.find(l)

The final code means that, in order to be able to use find[A] on an HList, there needs to be an implicit instance of Find[L, A] in scope.

If it’s difficult to understand what has happened so far, I strongly recommend to read the piece I linked before.


Now we are getting to the “the chicken of the rice with chicken”, as they say in my country. The instances of Find. This is where recursion comes into play.

First let’s see how can we implement find for a normal list:

def find[A](ls:List[A])(f: A => Boolean):Option[A] = ls match {
        case x :: xs if f(x) => Some(x)
        case _ :: xs => find(xs)(f)
        case Nil => None

We are going to do the exact same thing for our Find[L, A].

Typeclass instance equivalent to case Nil => None

Each instance of Find[L, A] will be the equivalent to one of those cases above. Let’s start with the case of Nil.

implicit def hnil[A] = new Find[HNil, A] {
    def find(l: HNil) = None

So, if L is an HNil, find returns None.

Typeclass instance equivalent to case x :: xs if f(x) => Some(x)

Now, the instance where it returns Some[A].

implicit def hconsFound[A, H, T <: HList](implicit ev: H =:= A) = new Find[H :: T, A] {
    def find(l: H :: T) = Some(l.head)

Look at the type of the Find instance. It’s Find[H :: T, A]. Where H is some type, and T is some HList, so H :: T is the equivalent to x :: xs, at the type level. Therefore the type argument of Find will match with any HList that is not HNil.

Only mathching the types is not enough though. In the find on List the pattern matching also had to check the boolean condition. In this case we don’t have an arbitrary function, but an equality comparison.

implicit ev: H =:= A would be the equivalent as to say ls.find(_ == j), again, at the type level.

Sumarizing, these are the conditions for using this function to calculate the instance of Find:

1 - L is not an HNil

2 - there is evidence that A and the head of L have the same types

If the conditions are met, it will return Some[A] always. This is important to remember, it seems obvious to me now, but until recently it was very easy to forget that an HList is known at compile time.

Meaning that the compiler will “know” what instance to use here:

def find[A](implicit f: Find[L, A]):Option[A]

Recursion! case _ :: xs => find(xs)(f)

Finally! The recursion is here. For the case where the head is not the type we are looking for.

implicit def hconsNotFound[A, H, T <: HList](implicit f: Find[T, A]) = new Find[H :: T, A] {
    def find(l: H :: T) = f.find(l.tail)

As with the example of the regular List, if L is not empty, but the head is not the same type as A, we ignore the head, and continue looking.

In order to do that, we need to have an instance of Find for the rest of the HList, and thus we expect it on (implicit f: Find[T, A]).

If T is an HNil, the compiler will find the instance for HNil, otherwise will try to use the instance with the type equality, otherwise this one. Until A is found or HNil is reached.

All together

Here is the companion object with everything together.

trait Find[L <: HList, A]{
  def find(l:L):Option[A]

object Find {
  implicit class Ops[L <: HList](l: L) {
    def find[A](implicit f: Find[L, A]) = f.find(l)
  implicit def hconsFound[A, H, T <: HList](implicit ev: H =:= A) = new Find[H :: T, A] {
    def find(l: H :: T) = Some(l.head)
  implicit def hconsNotFound[A, H, T <: HList](implicit f: Find[T, A]) = new Find[H :: T, A] {
    def find(l: H :: T) = f.find(l.tail)
  implicit def hnil[A] = new Find[HNil, A] {
    def find(l: HNil) = None

The actual implementation of this can be found in our library typeless

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